
Proud Supporter of Women of Flexo Downloadable Graphic

Printable Signage: Print this document on letter size card stock and fold in half to create a tent that stands up on its own. Place on your tabletop or in your booth at your next tradeshow!

Digital graphic: Download the PNG graphic and incorporate it into your booth graphics, leaving appropriate white space around the graphic.


WOF Mentorship Application

The Women of Flexo Mentorship Program aims to develop relationships between members new to the industry and those with experience.


Current Projects

I just wanted to share this project with some great women at Clemson!


Good Reads

Engineer Nikki Stakić opens up about her journey in the world of engineering, challenges she has faced as a woman in a male dominated field, and personal triumphs in her career. Stay tuned for her full story!

4 phrases that make you sound weak to your coworkers. Your word choices can build you up or tear you down. Here’s how to speak in a way that won’t discredit your confidence or ability to perform.


Women of Flexo in The News

Equifax names Graphic Packaging executive as new CHRO


Let Us Share Your Achievements!

Tell us about an award you or another woman in the industry have won.


Board and Committee Opportunities

If you have any Board or Committee Opportunities, you can submit them here!


Scholarship Opportunities for Women of Flexo

The FTA has an opportunity for two different scholarships. You can apply for the FFTA Scholarship or the Gary Hilliard FQC Scholarship.

See how you can be part of Women of Flexo.